EB-5 Investor Visa: A Bridge Between Taiwan and New York for Business and Investment

Explore US with EB5 visa

Welcome to our blog, where we explore the exciting opportunities that the EB-5 Investor Visa Program presents as a bridge between Taiwan and New York for business and the EB-5 investor visa. In this article, we will provide a brief overview of the EB-5 Investor Visa Program and highlight the importance of the Taiwan-New York connection in terms of business and investment.

Importance of the Taiwan-New York Business and Investment Connection:

  • Economic Synergy: Taiwan and New York share a unique relationship when it comes to business and the EB-5 Investor Visa Program. Taiwan is renowned for its technological advancements, strong manufacturing base, and dynamic entrepreneurship. On the other hand, New York is a global financial hub, a melting pot of diverse industries, and a thriving ecosystem for startups. The combination of Taiwan’s innovation and New York’s economic prowess creates a potent synergy for business collaboration and EB-5 investor visa opportunities.
  • Technology and Innovation: Taiwan is globally recognized as a leader in technology and innovation, particularly in industries such as semiconductors, electronics, biotechnology, and renewable energy. By tapping into the EB-5 Investor Visa Program, Taiwanese entrepreneurs and investors gain access to the extensive research and development capabilities, world-class universities, and thriving technology sectors in New York. This opens doors for partnerships, joint ventures, and the exchange of knowledge, driving innovation and growth in both regions.
  • Access to Capital: New York’s financial ecosystem, including its robust venture capital and private equity networks, provides Taiwanese entrepreneurs and startups with access to a vast pool of capital for their business ventures. Through the EB-5 Investor Visa Program, Taiwanese investors can not only leverage their own financial resources but also attract additional funding from US investors and institutions. This access to capital fuels the growth of businesses and promotes economic prosperity.
  • Cultural and Educational Exchange: The Taiwan-New York connection goes beyond business and EB-5 investor visa. It encompasses a rich cultural exchange and educational collaboration. Taiwan’s renowned educational institutions produce a talented pool of students and professionals who can benefit from the opportunities presented by New York’s esteemed universities and research centers. Moreover, the blending of Taiwanese and American cultures fosters diversity, understanding, and cross-cultural cooperation.

Benefits of the EB-5 Investor Visa for Taiwanese Investors

  • Permanent Residency in the United States: The most significant advantage of the EB-5 investor visa is the opportunity to obtain permanent residency in the United States. By investing a minimum of $800,000 in an eligible project that creates at least ten full-time jobs for US workers, you and your immediate family can become lawful permanent residents.
  • Educational Opportunities for Children: As a Taiwanese investor, one of your top priorities is likely the education of your children. The EB-5 investor visa opens doors to prestigious educational institutions in the United States, renowned for their high-quality education and global recognition. Your children can benefit from world-class schools, colleges, and universities, preparing them for successful careers in various fields. 
  • Access to Healthcare and Social Benefits: Another advantage of the EB-5 investor visa is access to the comprehensive healthcare system and social benefits offered in the United States. The US health system is renowned for its cutting-edge medical technology and high-quality healthcare services. By obtaining permanent residency through the EB-5 investor visa, you and your family gain access to these resources, ensuring your well-being and peace of mind. 
  • Pathway to US Citizenship: The EB-5 investor visa not only provides permanent residency but also offers a pathway to US citizenship. After maintaining your EB-5 investor visa and fulfilling the necessary residency requirements, you and your family can apply for US citizenship. This brings numerous advantages, including the right to vote, access to government jobs, and the ability to travel with a US passport. 

Tips for a successful EB-5 investor visa application

  • Select a Reputable EB-5 Regional Center: Consider investing your capital through an established and reputable EB-5 Regional Center. These centers facilitate EB-5 investor visa and offer projects that meet the job creation requirements. Conduct thorough research, review their track record, and ensure they have successfully completed previous projects.
  • The Source of Funds: US immigration authorities require EB-5 investor visa applicants to provide evidence of the lawful source of their EB-5 investment visa funds. It is crucial to maintain proper documentation to demonstrate the legitimacy of your funds. Consult with an EB-5 immigration attorney to ensure you meet the required standards of proof.
  • Engage an Experienced Immigration Attorney: Navigating the EB-5 investor visa process can be complex and time-consuming. Hiring an experienced immigration attorney specializing in EB-5 investor visa cases can greatly improve your chances of success. They will guide you through the application process, help prepare necessary documents, and ensure compliance with immigration laws.
  • Plan Ahead: The EB-5 investor visa process can take several years to complete, from filing the initial application to obtaining permanent residency. It is essential to plan your EB-5 investor visa and immigration timeline accordingly. Be prepared for potential delays, and stay updated with the latest program requirements and changes in immigration policies.
  • Seek Professional Financial Advice: Consulting with financial advisors who specialize in EB-5 investor visa can help you make informed decisions regarding your EB-5 investor visa options. They can guide you in selecting projects with sound financial prospects, evaluate risks, and assess the potential returns on your EB-5 investor visa.


The EB-5 Investor Visa Program has proven to be a bridge connecting Taiwanese investors with the immense business potential of New York. The state’s diverse industries, vibrant economy, and favorable EB-5 investor visa climate create a fertile ground for success. By leveraging the EB-5 Investor Visa Program, Taiwanese investors can participate in real estate development, technology, hospitality, healthcare, and biotechnology sectors, and achieve their entrepreneurial dreams in the vibrant city of New York.

Ready to explore the opportunities of the EB-5 investor visa? Contact us today and bridge the gap between Taiwan and New York! Don’t delay, email us now at Hello@govisaeb5.com!