Founder and CEO of GoVisa

Key Accomplishments


Career Overview

Vijay Gogia, Esq.

Founder and CEO of GoVisa

Founder and CEO of GoVisa

Dear Valued Community and Future American Dreamers,

The story of GoVisa is deeply personal and rooted in my own immigrant journey—a tale that spans generations and continents. My father, a resolute man with dreams that transcended boundaries, left India at the age of 32. His drive, ambition, and sheer will shape my world, teaching me the values of perseverance, vision, and the power of dreams. Today, as I stand at the age of 34, not just as the founder but also as the CEO and CIO of GoVisa, I am humbled by the responsibility and promise that this role embodies.

Immigration is more than just a process or a mere transaction. It’s a deeply human experience, filled with aspirations, uncertainties, hopes, and dreams. The American dream, a concept celebrated globally, is not just a lofty ideal—it’s a real, tangible goal for millions. And for many, the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program represents a viable path to achieving that dream.

At GoVisa, we’re not just facilitating an investment; we’re unlocking doors to opportunities, futures, and legacies. It’s a mission that I deeply resonate with as a first-generation immigrant, understanding the challenges and dreams intertwined with the pursuit of a new life in a new land.

The journey from being an immigrant’s child to leading GoVisa has instilled in me a profound respect for every investor’s dream and a steadfast commitment to act as an honest gateway for those looking to invest in their own American narrative. I genuinely believe in the transformative power of the EB-5 program, not just as a pathway to citizenship but as a bridge to limitless opportunities.
The spirit of GoVisa is a testament to my father’s legacy and the dreams he instilled in me. Today, I invite you to join us, to write your own story, and to realize the dream that America promises. As we embark on this journey together, know that GoVisa stands firmly by your side, committed to transparency, integrity, and your dream’s realization.
Here’s to dreams that transcend borders and the promise of a future filled with endless possibilities.

Warm regards,

Vijay Gogia, CEO & CIO of GoVisa
